Monday, December 6, 2010

Bella is 8-months-old TODAY!!!

There’s an 8-month-old in our house! Today, Bella is officially 8-months-old and growing up before our very eyes. This whole growing up process is so bittersweet. I’m so happy she is maturing and thriving like she should, but I’m so sad that my itty, bitty, little baby is no longer itty or bitty. This almost makes me want another baby… almost being the key word. Our family of 3 (or 5 if you count the dogs) is perfectly content and while we will add more members in the future, we are nowhere near close to adding baby #2 at this point in time.

Bella was not scheduled for an 8-month wellness appointment, so the trusty old scale and tape measure were used for the 8-month growth stats:

Height: still about 28 inches, although certain pants appear short on her.

Weight: about 23 pounds (and counting…)

Sleeping Pattern: Bella has had some REALLY GOOD nights and some REALLY BAD nights in the last month. She takes 2 really good naps, one in the morning and one in the afternoon and goes to bed around 8:30pm. She wakes up around 2:00-3:00am and wants to be fed. The child will gulp down a 5-6 ounce bottle in a matter of minutes. She will go back to sleep and is usually up for the day between 6:00-7:00am.

Eating Pattern: Bella continues to eat about 5-6 ounces every 3-4 hours and is eating solids and snacks 3 times a day. A current favorite food of hers is Plum Baby Chicken with Vegetables and Pasta. She has yet to meet a food she does not like and has a healthy appetite.

Milestones: She’s got teeth (4 of them) and she knows how to use them! Bella has 2 top teeth and 2 bottom teeth and uses them to chew (whether it’s my fingers or food). She has an adorable little smile and I don’t really miss those gummy grins (ok, I do miss those gummy grins). Bella is on the verge of crawling and can be found doing push-ups on her hands and knees. Her first word appears to have been “Ma-ma” and she uses it on a frequent basis. When she is pouting or sad, she often says, “Ma-ma, Ma-ma” in a sad little voice. She also says “Da-da” but we’re uncertain if she knows what it means at this point.

Friends: Connor, Taylan, Layla, Tyler, Logan, Luke, Camden, Gia, Carter and Lily. We have a weekly play group with these kiddos and it has been so much fun! Bella will be hosting a play date / cookie exchange later this week. The mommies from the play group are a fabulous bunch of ladies and I’m very thankful to have such a great group of friends!

Current Events: Election season is finally over! Rick Scott is the governor elect for the State of Florida and Marco Rubio is the Senator elect for the US Senate!!! Yay for the Republicans! We are looking forward to the things this men have to offer and we hope they get the job done! Unfortunately, Maryland (where Pop and Didi live) didn't fair as well. O'Malley was re-elected... boo!

Bella hosted her first Thanksgiving dinner at our house. She was such a ham that day and enjoyed eating turkey, mashed potatoes and pumpkin cheesecake. My dad (a.k.a. Pop) came into town for Thanksgiving and we also invited Ian’s family and the Peluso family (of course!) We had a very nice dinner and the food was fabulous (if I do say so myself).

A health update on little Miss Bella… she was fitted for a corrective helmet in late November and she will begin wearing the helmet on the 8th. I’m sad for her, but I know she will do great. I wish I was the one who had to wear the helmet, but sadly I cannot take her place in this instance. I regret not addressing this issue sooner, but I’m thankful we still have time to take action. Bella is still going to physical therapy two days a week and will see the specialist every two weeks. We’re hoping she will only have to wear the helmet for 4-6 months, with 4 months being the average time for most babies. Keep your fingers crossed and say a few prayers for a couple big growth spurts! =)

We’re getting ready for the holidays and we’re currently celebrating Hanukkah. Bella will celebrate both Hanukkah and Christmas, so everyone will surely spoil her. We’ll be going to Baltimore for Christmas and will have an extended stay. Bella and I will be driving and Ian and the boys will be driving… wish us luck!

Happy 8-Month Birthday, Isabella Eve!

Love always,
Ian, Kim & Bella

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