Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Bella is 15-Months-Old TODAY!!!

Well, this post is actually being written the day after she turned 15-months, but I'm writing it today because we had her wellness appointment today. Here are her 15-month-stats:

Height: 31.5 inches (she actually dropped to the 82nd percentile for height, but is still tall for her age).

Weight: 24 pounds 4 ounces (she actually lost 6 ounces since her 12-month appointment and is now in the 73rd percentile for weight).

Clothing Size: Bella has plateaued and I could not be happier! She is actually wearing some 12 month clothes that she previously "outgrew". She is finally wearing age appropriate clothing sizes, but still wears some 18-24 month stuff. 

Sleeping Pattern: Bella sleeps about 11 hours at night and is still taking two naps a day. A few weeks ago, she began sleeping in until 8am and then only took one nap on those days. I was thinking she would go to a one nap a day schedule, but she isn't quite ready. She takes a morning nap for about 2 hours and she then takes an afternoon nap for about 2 hours. She is the best little sleeper!

Eating Pattern: So long formula and baby food! Bella is now a whole-milk drinking, table food eating champ! She eats 3 meals a day and has snacks as needed. She has yet to meet a food she doesn't like and eats everything! She drinks whole-milk out of her sippy cup three times a day and also drinks water. We're a no juice household and I fully intend to keep it that way. Not that there is anything wrong with giving your children juice, I just don't see the nutritional importance of doing so and would rather have Bella eat her fruits every day. 

Milestones: Where to begin?!? Bella began cruising around 12-months and has even ventured to take a step or two by herself. She's had some setbacks with walking due to the torticollis and plagiocephaly, and is not considered developmentally delayed. Both issues hindered Bella from developing a true sense of balance until corrected. Now that she is no longer tilting her head and is out of the helmet, she is progressing as expected. Bella is talking up a storm! She says "dada", "mama", "dog", "kitty cat", "gaga", "hi", "bye", "out", "uh oh", "bye bye" and jibber jabbers all day long! She has a mouth full of teeth and has 8 teeth in the front and all 4 of her first molars. We're just waiting on the 4 canines and 4 second molars and we'll be finished with teething. She has been a real trooper with all these new teeth and loves taking care of them! Bella loves to brush her teeth! 

Friends: All the usual baby playgroup friends and our neighbor friends, Aidynn and Reese.

Current Events: Casey Anthony was acquitted of murdering her 2-year-old daughter, but was found guilty of giving false information to a law enforcement officer. Her sentencing is Thursday and she is expected to receive a year or two in prison, but most likely will be given time served.  

Bella is a happy and healthy toddler, which makes us very happy. She is well-behaved and is an absolute sweetheart! 
Happy 15-Month Birthday, Isabella Eve!

Love always,
Ian, Kim & Bella

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